Mental Health Education Resources and Support

Are you and your staff overwhelmed trying to support others through mental health difficulties?

Julie can help by:

  • Presenting mental health training tailored to your organization's needs
  • Certifying staff and volunteers in Mental Health First Aid and emergency Narcan delivery
  • Providing on-site support to staff and volunteers

By providing mental health education, resources, and support, I help staff and volunteers at churches and nonprofit organizations feel less overwhelmed and more confident.


Churches and non-profit organizations are often where community members go to ask for help but staff & volunteers are often ill-equipped with specific mental health knowledge and often wish they could do more.

Julie can help your staff and volunteers be trained to fill those gaps and become confident helpers and skilled leaders.


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For valuable and relevant mental health training, reach out for more information or set a meeting with Julie to learn how she can empower your staff and volunteers with needed mental health knowledge and skills.